
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jakiro, the Twin Head Dragon

Jakiro breath on fire and ice. It was originally found at the roots of the World Tree and it seems like it was protecting it from harm.

Item Guide:
Headdress of Rejuvenation - Boots of Speed - Point Booster - Void Stone - Ogre Axe - Staff of Wizardy - Blade of Alacrity - Ultimate Orb - Mystic Staff = Stable (Headdress of Rejuvenation, Boot of Speed, Aghanim's Scepter, Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse)

With Headdress of Rejuvenation, you'll find that you are fast regenerated in the early game. Hence it saves lots of your gold purchasing other regenerating items. Since boots of speed is a basic needs, you'll find that Jakiro has Health Point insufficiency. Thus, prepare yourself with Aghanim's Scepter which your Macropyre range and damage are increased despites that your health point was being raised. Soon, the opponent will be fast enough to escape your hunt, therefore you will need the hex ability to slow them down for your Macropyre.

Skill Guide:
You can focus on Jakiro's Dual Breath (1st skill) to help you farm during late game. Although Liquid Fire (3rd skill) may seems pretty useless but it works best when you are fighting in a group. Ice Path(2nd skill) is to disable your opponent and it works well with stun or slow. His ultimate skill called Macropyre is extremely important in killing especially with its short cooldown time.

Try your best to make your Jakiro powerful

What Horoscope could Jakiro be?
I think it's a Gemini. Basically, Gemini are not easy to understand as they could switch their behavior from time to time. As soon as we think we begin to know them, they change again. Besides, Jakiro is independent and has different opinion about loyalty.

If you have a pet like Jakiro...
It can hardly be understood of what it wants.

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