
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lina Inverse, they Slayer

Lina works for money and fame from the beginning. However as time passes, she realized that she had been siding justice which she eventually keen to protect it.

Item Guide:
Headdress of Rejuvenation - Boots of Speed - Point Booster - Void Stone - Ogre Axe - Staff of Wizardy - Blade of Alacrity - Ultimate Orb - Mystic Staff = Stable (Headdress of Rejuvenation, Boot of Speed, Aghanim's Scepter, Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse)

With Headdress of Rejuvenation, you'll find that you are fast regenerated in the early game. Hence it saves lots of your gold purchasing other regenerating items. Since boots of speed is a basic needs, you'll find that Lina has Health Point insufficiency. Thus, prepare yourself with Aghanim's Scepter which your ultimate skills became extremely useful in this point at your expected level despites that your health point was being raised. Everyone will become aware of you and will start hunting you. Therefore you will need the hex ability to slow them down or to escape.

Skill Guide:
Lina's skills upgrade is simple. You can just ignore Fiery Soul (3rd skill) upon your leveling.

Try your best to make your Slayer powerful

What Horoscope could Lina Inverse be?
I think she's a Leo. Basically, Leo are someone who love fame and power. Besides, Lina had been doing everything on her own and likes to frontward. She gets excited when she'd successfully cast a spell and thus proven through Fiery Soul.

If you have a friend like Lina Inverse...
She is not shy to ask for praises and always wants to show off what she got.

If you have a girlfriend like Lina Inverse...
She will protects you, however she must be the one leading. Usually, her justice and trustworthiness are well respected by all.

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