
Thursday, February 10, 2011

3 idiots

Many people watched 3 idiots, but what comes into their mind when they were watching? Funny? Impressed? Actually, this movie shows me the way of life. This movie is not an excuse to blame someone in our life because of our problems we facing, but a teaching on how we should view those problems and handle them.


Parents seems to be there to pressurize us (the children) all the time. Nevertheless, I can't say that they are all wrong for deciding what we are going to be because all parents wants to be proud because of their children, and so will we when we all become parents in the future. Although it may sounds ridiculous when some of the parents are not capable of achieving what they hope us to achieve, but the children must know how to express themselves.

In this movie, don't you get how the children (especially Farhan) change their parents thoughts? The similarity jots on moving our parents. Moving a person's heart is the greatest power a man can ever acquire, but the problem is, why all children never thought of it? They just want to rebel so badly when they think that they have been chained or they silently follow the instruction although they'd hated it so. If the parents do not know the true way of communication, why not the children?

Alright, people may say that their parents are stubborn. This is because children are forever kids in the eyes of parents. They will never grow up and parents always have to make decision for them. Hence, why don't the children ever think of proving themselves capable of handling their own business and let them not worry? How? Well, the children have to think of the methods for themselves.

***Education system***

The education system is a fact of life. It teaches us the real world. When we were in our primary school, we learn the basics of knowledge. Then, we came across the advance knowledges during our secondary education. However, everyone seems to be trapped at tertiary school. They thought tertiary school is merely a place where we gain the unknown knowledge, when there is a scene Rancho ask the class to seek for the words that is in fact not existed, but everyone was in turmoil.

In fact, tertiary school came in totally a different level of education. It should has teaches how to apply our wisdom into practical work. We should question that: Do you work on the task, or the task works on you?


You may be laughing when you see how Rancho (the genius) was in the movie, but what actually does he acquires in his mind? Is it that because that he was a orphan? Or is it that because he was a genius?

The answer is courage and love, and it is a must for everyone, however human nowadays are lacking. When we understand love, we understand many things. When we have love, we gains the many things as well. Rancho the genius can be all alone if he ever want to achieve something isn't it? Why must he be along with the another two friends which are basically poor in both society and acedemic?

Alright, we can't deny the fact that there are cases where some stronger beings want manipulate the weaker beings for their personal benefits, and the weaker beings want to parasitically be with the stronger beings. Perhaps, they claim it as mutual benefits but I think its vanity. 

You should be able to notice that 3 of them are academically independent. They never rely on each other and besides, they were all in the best university. Hence, I can further ensure that their friendship is not about mutual benefits, is about caring because Rancho love to care. If you view it in another perspective, isn't Rancho a busybody? He couldn't have to bother their friends ways of life but he did.

People may be laughing when they watch this movie, but do we ever examine our own life? What are we if we were in the script? Perhaps, we would never appear in the screen because we were as what I said, be friends because we want benefits from them.

Rancho love his friend (Raju) when he was hospitalized, and even earlier when Raju scolded him and ex-communicated him out of anger. We can see his efforts and touch our heart, if our friends are someone like Raju, will we ever be like Rancho?

***Puzzle in Truth***

In this world, all truth are liken to a puzzle. They are the combination of smalls pieces of information and it's always complicated. However, we know nothing is perfect. If someone can see the puzzle as a big picture, what are those missing pieces be replaced with?

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