
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm a Libra

They say Libra have strong scene of Justice. They have less tolerant against unfairness and always protect what's right, which is why they would often involved in conflicts of justice. Unlike other people, they want everyone to be happy and bias is always become the threats. With their sympathetic heart and persuasive skills, they make themselves sociable through words and minds, believing that they could change something.

I have tonnes of friends who are also a Libra as I am but frankly speaking, we are quite different. I then further study on the other horoscope and I find that not everyone are 100% described, but amazingly, they all claim that what they'd read is true.

Libra has uncountable friends from all walks which in fact I do however, I have some Libra friends that they don't. And then, they are not someone that will mind their words.

Should a horoscope be trusted then? I asked myself. With all that I read about the Libra sign, I'm deeply in loved with Libra and I find that no one ever hates their own sign neither although they were being badly described such as for Scorpios. Is it because everyone reads only the good part of themselves? Or they are hypnotizing themselves, denying the truth.

Some people say horoscope can be trusted and some say no.

I have a Libra friend whom was literally being disgraced for messing with Gemini. From what I'd heard and my perspective, that Libra was holding justice, doing whats the law tells but on the other hand, wronged Gemini although they were friends from the start. Justice and friend, which to choose? He chose Justice but in the end, the Gemini spread about the unfriendly Libra and another Libra who was apparently closed to that Gemini boycotted that 'unfriendly Libra'. In the end, the 'unfriendly Libra' is someone not sympathetic and persuasive towards own friends.

I have another Libra friend which is Lazy and extremely easy going. He lives a carefree life and not even have a good plan for his future. He never bother what to be said and say thing before he thinks. Together, we had been regarded as the lazy person. What different between us is that, he is not sensitive towards what others think. Perhaps he could think from one common perspective but isn't all Libra was said to be the best beings that able to put themselves in someone's shoes?

In fact, I think a lot from the aspect of what to speak, what should be done and what to whatever. My principle is that no one would be hurt but that friend of mine never seems to be like that.

Libra is another sign of extrovert but I have an introvert Libra friend. He always lock himself, not to say that he is depressed but he never bother about other things beside he himself. He was doubted the be silly, fun, caring and sweet. One thing I heard about him is that he broke a Virgo's heart because they never put himself in her shoes.

Why all these happened? It seems that things are not as accurate from what I'd seen and known but they themselves thought that the horoscope describes them right.

And I think further about this matter and found that, people read what they want to believe and ignore what they don't want to. Can horoscope be trusted? The point is human will unconsciously ignore what they don't want to believe meanwhile keep reminding themselves having the good traits mentioned. No one in this world would want to admit themselves wrong.

Frankly speaking, who doesn't want to be right?

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