
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Aiushta, the Enchantress

Wow, this art is nice. I wonder who is the painter with his/her "I can't read" signature. *Haha

Aiushtha has the abilities to control over wisps or opponents to obey her wills. She lived deep in the forest together with her peaceful clan until she found themselves threaten by the evils. She volunteered to fight, and through several tests done, people acknowledge her accuracy in far ranged strike called the 'Impetus'.

Item Guide:
Headdress of Rejuvenation - Boots of Speed - Point Booster - Void Stone - Ogre Axe - Staff of Wizardy - Blade of Alacrity - Ultimate Orb - Mystic Staff  = Stable (Headdress of Rejuvenation, Boot of Speed, Aghanim's Scepter, Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse)

With Headdress of Rejuvenation, you'll find that you are fast regenerated in the early game. Hence it saves lots of your gold purchasing other regenerating items. Since boots of speed is a basic needs, you'll find that Aiushtha has Health Point insufficiency. Thus, prepare yourself with Aghanim's Scepter which your Impetus range became further despites that your health point was being raised. Soon, the opponent will be fast enough to escape your hunt, therefore you will need the hex ability to slow them down.

Skill Guide:
Aiushtha's skills are all important. You choose your skills depending on what opponents you are dealing with. If your opponents were skills damage caster, you should least focus on Untouchable (1st skill). If your opponents were manual damage dealer, you should least focus on Nature's Attendants (3rd skill) as you can use Enchant (2nd skill) to convert a neutral creep to defend for you. Your Impetus (Ultimate skill) must be always be updated.

Try your best to make your Enchantress powerful

What Horoscope could Aiushtha be?
I think she's a Libra. Basically, Libra are peaceful beings seek for peace but they will definitely stand up against injustice. Besides, Aiushtha has the ability to win over individual's and opponent's submission like a Librain as she heals the pain of others and thus surrounding people are easily attracted to her call.

If you have a friend like Aiushtha...
She likes to talk a lot, be loved and mix with lots of people from all walks.

If you have a girlfriend like Aiushtha...
She will always imagine something and not bothered to tell you what they are. She is understanding but she wants to be pampered and loved.

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